Setting Up Your Ancestor Altar

At the time of writing this post it is late October- the perfect time to get started on your ancestor altar. Across many cultures in late October and early November ancestors are honored and remembered; we have All Souls Days, Day of the Dead, Hallowe’en and Samhain. It is said that at this time of year the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is at its thinnest, and gives us an energetic entry into that realm.

With the thinning of the veil you have more access to your loved ones who have crossed to the spirit world. Through quiet meditation, prayer and the intention of connecting, you can feel their spirit and their love surround you and fill your home.

Although it is tradition to connect with your ancestors during this time of year, you can have your ancestor altar set up all year round to invite in the spirit of your loved ones.

why set up an ancestor altar

An ancestor altar is a way to honor and give reverence to your ancestors and loved ones; to honour their lives, and the paths they paved before us. It also serves as a daily remembrance of those close to you who have crossed. Every day like a ritual, you can light your candle or incense, say a prayer and speak to your ancestors. Getting quiet and asking for guidance and protection is a perfect way to align yourself in your path and know that you are guided and protected by your ancestors.

Pick a Space

The first thing to do is find a place in your home where you would like to dedicate to your ancestors. It can be on a side table, and shelf on a bookshelf, or night-side-stand. I have mine set up in the corner of a bookshelf. Remember, it will be with you all year round- not just this time of year.

What to put on your altar

ancestor altar

Anything you feel called to add to your altar should be included. You can have photos, old notes or cards or items that belonged to them. This is a photo of my ancestor altar honoring my mom. I always like to add at least one candle, some incense, and any other items that elevate the space for me. I have crystals, pieces of nature, and I like to keep a vase of flowers or plants from my garden (or dried flowers during winter).

If you don’t have photos of your loved one, any item of theirs can be added, or simply a candle to represent their spirit.

Feel free to have a “moving altar” in that items can be changed out, moved or rearranged. I always switch up the flowers and pieces of nature with the season. In the photo you can see the last of my zinnias from the garden, my dried straw flowers, clear quartz and citrine crystals to invite in the abundance of the harvest season at the time, as well as a pyrite heart my mom gifted me. Make it your own and let it inspire you.

light candles and incense

I love including candles as they represent the spirit of one passed, and there is a ritual in lighting and tending to the flame daily. I like a white candle, but sometimes I use different colors depending on what I’m inviting in at the time. Incense are a way to cleanse your space. Many cultures use incense to get into a deeper spiritual place for prayer and meditation. A certain scent may bring you closer to one of your ancestors, or bring about a sentiment that makes you feel supported and loved. This time of year I love burning my own ritual incense sets. Frankincense (Prayer) and Cedar (Cleanse) are my favorite this time of year.

who to honor

Your ancestor altar does not have to be limited to your ancestors. It could include passed pets, descendants, friends, or even people you never personally knew but greatly admire and feel connected toward. Think of your altar as a place to come into remembrance and reverence.

your altar as a ritual

Tending to your altar can be a form of daily ritual. As part of my daily ritual, I like to light my candle and give the space a little smudging with my incense of choice. As I do this, I connect with my ancestors, and ask for protection and guidance.

I believe it’s important to cleanse your space every day. This can be done with smudging, diffusing essential oils, playing uplifting music, or even dusting is a form of cleansing and blessing. Once a week I try to dust and clean the space so the energy doesn’t get stagnant. Cleaning the alatr, keeping the space tidy and free from clutter is a form of daily devotion and honoring.

a quick step-by-step guide

  • Designate a spot in your home

  • Clean the surface before adding any items

  • Find photos (frame them if you wish), items, handwritten notes, a pet’s collar or beloved toy if you’re honoring a pet, or anything that holds meaning for you

  • Choose a candle(s) and incense (optional). You can have several tealights, or one large pillar. I use one of my taper candles.

  • If you work with crystals, pick a few that seem relevant or meaningful

  • Add anything else that feels appropriate

  • Tend to your altar daily, lighting your candle(s), burning incense, saying a prayer. And tidy it up/clean/dust weekly to keep the energy fresh and flowing.

Enjoy creating this sacred space to honor your lineage and your loved ones passed. May it bring you peace, protection, and a simple meditative ritual to bring you closer to those in the spirit world.