Winter Solstice Citrus Candle
This is a lovely Solstice craft you can do alone in ritual, with loved ones or even kids! It’s the perfect way to call back the Sun this Solstice and infuse your intention into your homemade candle.
The Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice is upon us! In Pagan traditions the Winter Solstice is also known and celebrated as Yule. Yule marks the darkest night of the year, and the return and birth of the light. On this day, great change is upon us as we are at the threshold of a new cycle. Ancients would celebrate this day knowing that spring is on its way and the Sun is making its long journey back to rule in the sky.
Citrus Fruits and Yule
Citrus fruits are often used in Yule and Winter Solstice celebrations as they carry solar energy. A main part of any Solstice celebration is conjuring the energy of the Sun to encourage its return to the sky and welcoming the birth of the Light. By eating citrus fruits (have a look at this Wassail recipes), adorning your home or altar with them, or making crafts with them is ushering in that Solar energy on the darkest night of the year.
getting ready to make your candle
Because you will be working with fresh citrus, you want to make these as close to the Solstice as possible. It will feel extra magical making these on the Solstice as the energy of the day will be infused into your candle.
You will need:
a couple citrus fruits (oranges, lemons or grapefruits)
beeswax (or any other type of wax you might have)
some cotton wick (if you have a thick wick you might get away with one per fruit, or a couple wicks in each fruit if it is a thinner wick)
clothes pins to hold your wicks in place when pouring in the hot wax
a can or pot to melt your wax in (this will be difficult to clean- I used an old bean can)
parchment or wax paper to cover your work station (trust me)
essential oils to add to your candle (optional)- choose oils that compliment the citrus and the season: lemon, orange, grapefruit, cinnamon, fir, cedar, palo santo, frankincense, etc
dried herbs to add to your candle (optional): star anise, cloves, cinnamon, fir or pine needles, etc
Cleanse Your Working Space
Creative work and crafting always feels sacred as it brings you closer to your God-given creative potential. So start by cleansing your space and making your work area feel a little bit magical. You can burn some herbs, a smudge stick, resin, diffuse essential oils, or even ring a bell to cleanse the air. Light a few beeswax candles (it is the Solstice after all!), and take a few grounding breaths.
Set an Intention
The Solstice is a turning point in the year where you have an oppportunity to turn a new leaf; to reflect on these past months and decide what you want to take with you into the new cycle, and what you’d like to leave behind.
You may even want to take a few moments and breathe out whatever you choose to let go and release at this time. Write it down and burn the paper if you feel so inclined.
And then get really specific about what you intend for this new coming cycle. What do you want to call in? What is one goal you want to work toward? What is your true heart calling you toward? Writing down your intention will force you to get really clear and specific. Contain it into one sentence if possible.
Crafting Your Candle
Step 1
Get your wax melting in a double boiler-type set up. I just put my can of wax inside a pot of water. This part takes a while! I let my wax slowly come to melting over the course of an hour. You can do this more quickly by turning the heat up.
Step 2
Cut your fruit in half. If you are using a lemon, make sure you slice it horizontally so it will sit flat after it’s cut. Then use a knife to score along between the fruit and rind (like you would do when you eat a sliced grapefruit).
Step 3
Use a spoon to scoop out the fruit. This part gets messy! You may need to use your knife to get under the fruit a little bit. Do your best not to pierce the rind as your wax will melt out! Don’t throw the fruit away- that’s your little Solstice snack!
Step 4
Cut your wick to the appropriate length (and decide if you fruit holders will use a single wick or a double- or tripe- wick). Dip your wick into the melted wax to coat it. This not only helps with lighting your candle, but it helps to maintain a straight wick when pouring your candle. When the wax starts to harden on the wick, gentle pull it so it dries straight.
Step 5
Set your wicks into your fruit holders and clip them in place with your clothes pins.
Step 6
Pour your wax into your fruit holders. (If you are adding essential oils, you can add directly into your can of wax right before you pour, or you can add drops directly into your poured candles. I was going to have a lot of leftover wax in my can, so I decided to drop my essential oils directly into my candles). If you wicks or clothes pins move around during this process, just shift them back when you’re done pouring. Spill are likely to happen!
If you’re adding dried herbs to your candles, now would be the time.
Step 7
Leave them somewhere safe to cool down and harden. Any wax that spilled can be put right back into your wax container where it will get melted down next time!
Step 8
Once your candles are completely cooled, unclip your clothespins and trim your wicks if they’re too long. You’re done!
your solstice ritual
Set up a little Yule/Solstice altar or centerpiece at your table. Bring in evergreens, holly, eucalyptus, pinecones, and pomanders (you can learn to make your own pomander here). Crystals such as pyrite, citrine, carnelian and sunstone are all appropriate, as well as clear quartz for clearing and amplification. Dear antlers help to carry the dark goddess energy, and lots of candles.
Take your written intention and place it underneath one of your citrus candles. Before you light your candle, come into gratitude for everything that has come to pass this year; all your lessons, all your challenges, all your blessings. Again, take a moment to breathe out and release what no longer serves you.
Then come back to your intention; feel it come alive in your heart. When you’re ready, light your candles with a smile on your face, knowing that with this next cycle comes growth, expansion, and a new trajectory for your soul’s path.
Wishing you so much love, joy, abundance and a calm heart this season and into the new year. Happy Yule!